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Fellowship & Study Men's Breakfast EP Women EP Kids Fellowship Bible Study Lectionary Bible Study Sunday School & Nursery Men's Breakfast: Each Wednesday morning a small group of EPC men gather at the Baker's Square on Ford Parkway in St. Paul for some good talk and telling of old jokes.
EP Women: Edgcumbe Presbyterian Women, literally for generations, have gathered for education, mission and socialization. And EPW collects money each year to send to an orphanage in the Philippines and occasionally to other mission.
EP Kids: is a fun, connected group of the kids (18 and under) at Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church. Each month there is an activity that is meant to give the kids something else to do besides worship and Sunday School. Events have included movie night, pumpkin carving, and earth care.
EP Kids Music meets every Sunday from 9:30-9:55 AM in the Montessori room. We begin each session with an informal check-in about the past week and a music game or activity. This is followed by vocal warmups and work on the music pitch ladder. We learn songs of the church with the goal of beautiful unison singing, as well as two part singing through the use of ostinato (a repeated pattern) and canon. The children are also learning to accompany themselves on pitched and unpitched percussion instruments, such as xylophones and drums. Children who play other instruments are encouraged to share their gifts, as well. As our young musicians feel success on a particular song, we consult with our Music Director, Deb Carlson and set up a date to sing and play for the congregation during worship on Sunday morning.
Fellowship Bible Study: On the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, this group meets at Baker's Square on Ford Pkwy in St. Paul for a meal and study of a book or Bible lesson. All are welcome.
Lectionary Bible Study-- On the first Monday and the third Tuesday of each month, a group meets in the homes of participants for study of the Lectionary texts for the following Sunday. Open to all, no previous experience or preparation is necessary, just a desire to read the Bible and hear the Good News. Click the Sunday Lessons link to find the texts for the study.
Sunday School--In addition to the Childrens' Sermon each Sunday, we have two different approaches to Sunday School on alternating Sundays, something for everyone!
One instructor selects a usually well-known story from the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, and asks the kids to read it aloud. They all then discuss some aspects of the story that may not be apparent at first. Two examples: 1) the story of the Good Samaritan [Luke 10:29-37] (Who were/are the Samaritans? Why did they not get along with the Jews? Who do we think we are most like in the story? Who would God want us to be like in the story? How do we behave in similar situations in our own lives?); and 2) the Book of Jonah: Why does God grow the plant? Why does God kill the plant? Why Nineveh? What does it mean that they couldn't tell their right hand from their left?. Comment from instructor: "It's not easy to stay one step ahead of this bright group of young people!". Our Sunday School is organized as a single class with one or two teachers each Sunday because of the small number of children attending.
Nursery care is available during the entire worship service for infants and toddlers age 3 and under. Parents are also welcome to keep their children in worship. |
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