Welcome to the Racial Justice and Me (RJAM) Page!
We invite ALL EPC members to explore the Education Resource document located on this page.
It is full of interesting, thought provoking, and enlightening information about Racial Justice.
It includes articles, videos, podcasts, books, and movie resources.
>check out this resource with thought and prayer
>be open to what the Spirit is calling you to focus on for a education goal
>make a pledge to use one of these resources or one of your own to learn more about Racial Justice
>be willing to share with others what you have learned (this can be one on one or small group)
This is just a start.... Let's see where the Spirit takes us!
RJAM Statement of Intentions
At EPC our desire is to participate in God's healing of ourselves, of the world, of the cosmos. We trust that the Spirit's love makes us all ONE, molding us into Christ's Body, where every member and person is needed and essential and loved.
The Racial Justice and Me (RJAM) team acknowledges that white privilege and racism in all its forms contradicts the oneness of the Body of Christ by valuing white-bodied people above people of color. This improper valuation is embedded in our church practices, in our own hearts and in our minds. The desire and intention of RJAM is to nurture a community at EPC where we can:
>learn to recognize the thinking, actions and results of white privilege and racism
>listen and learn together with honesty and forgiveness and grace
>create a church that works actively for anti-racism and equity
>actively welcome people of color to the conversation
If we want the world to be different, we need to be different.
If we want the world to change, we need to change.